\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\---------- Punchy's Blog ----------/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

send me an email, im desperately lonely: punchyac2007@gmail.com

----- Aug 16, 2023 -----

Today is the last day of summer vacation, those freshmen are unluckier than me though, they started today.

My mother watches that one damn show, Jersey Shore, I was very infuriated today because they used part of King of the Beach by Wavves in an episode (god, I really need to get a life if that enrages me). The show sucks, frankly, and I dont understand why anyone would willingly watch a bunch of bratty guidos argue, fight, and generally act retarded.

XC was great yesterday, I probably set a PR to be honest, I owe it to the fact that the weather was actually decent for once in Illinois. Those hills kill my knees, though, aside from that, it wasn't bad, so

I wear the exact same outfit every day. Im going to be honest, im getting kind of sick of it, every day its just "black t-shirt stupid jeans white socks fugly shoes" and its just so bland.

(wow, what a wardrobe, look at that variety)

I have all of my school supplies prepped, best part about high school is literally that all you need is like, 5 notebooks, a folder, and some cheap pens, thanks to modern technology, isnt it just splendid? (damn, "splendid" sounded way less gay in my head)

I had to scrub a ton of white-out off of my backpack, though, I remember I wrote "DISCO SUCKS" in white-out on the bottom, so it took me about half an hour to get it off completely, that sucked.

----- Aug 17, 2023 -----

Today was the first day back to school, my schedule isnt bad aside from the fact that I have the last lunch period, so I eat at 1 pm, and that I dont share any periods with my girlfriend, which double sucks, so

XC was pretty good today, did 200m sprints, which at first were just awful but eventually started feeling good. We got a new guy today too, a freshman who was on the track team all throughout middle school, so he's really good. My freshman friend, let's call him Gabe, really surprised me today. He can sprint really fast, which was surprising because he tends to run slower than me, so that was a shock.

After practice, I went to Athen's Gyros to get my brother and I a bite, the fountain drink machine was broken so the fat Italian guy who runs the place gave me a free can of Dr Pepper. Pray for him, btw, he may have kidney cancer, he gets his biopsy Tuesday so I will probably visit him late next week to see how he's doing, gyros were still kick-ass though.

Traffic was crazy today on my way to my dad's place. Hell, on the way to get the gyros i almost got decked by some Texan retard in a prius who blew a red light. Big accident on 103rd, near Queen of Martyr's church, apparently a car was hit by another and was sent crashing into a house. I'm not 100% sure, though, I did drive past the accident sight on my way to my dad's but I didnt have the chance to really see what happened.

----- Aug 18, 2023 -----

School was alright, you know how it is on the second day, always just doing ice-breakers in class, which are always either awkward or just cringy.

Cross Country was good, just a recovery day, though, because tommorow we're going up to the Indiana Dunes for a long ass run and then some time at the beach, so thats pretty cool. Our football team (absolute garbage, might i add) had a scrimmage today... very anticlimactic, that's for sure

I made a really good turkey sandwich, its the first time ive actually had lunch meat in months, so it was pretty nice for a change.

I want to download a new album and put it on my Walkman for the bus ride tommorow, it's going to be an hour long each way so I obviously want something new to listen to.

----- Aug 19, 2023 -----

Had the dunes trip today, it kicked ass, i ran 4 and a half miles and the weather out in Indiana was perfect for running.

After the run we had a few hours to spend at the beach, so obviously i threw my ass into the water... it was probably the coldest Lake Michigan has ever been, Gabe's lips turned blue after like 5 minutes in the water

My love for the ever-so-simple love for the bologna was rekindled (I put one in my bag so I wouldnt have to be suckered out of 10 dollars for some concession stand food, which, being in Indiana in all, likely sucked hard.

Frankly im just glad that I get a full day off tommorow, but then again i'll have nothing to do, so

My one online friend (let's call him Bubby to protect his "identity") has a seething hatred for anyone who does not wear socks 24/7. This "man" Bubby has not taken off his socks in several milennia, and he wonders why he smells bad.

(note: owning casettes is not an impressive thing to brag about, apparently, if anything it just gets you made fun of)

----- Aug 21, 2023 -----

School was alright, didn't really see any of my friends in the halls like I usually do, though, so I was kind of loned out for a bit

I got some shitty, inconvenient news, though; Wednesday, due to extreme temperatures meant to hit in the afternoon, we're going to do our XC practice at 6 am... before school... yeah, isnt that great, I get to go to school all hot and sweaty during the only time of the day when i shouldnt. I shouldnt be a baby, though, it'll be fine i'm sure, it is meant to be fairly cool early Wednesday morning and it'll be nice to be all woken up before school, so

I didn't do anything notable on Sunday, I guess the only thing worth talking about is how I went to the store to buy a three-ring binder, you know, for my Computer Servicing class (it's required to have one, apparently). Of course, it being late August and all, the school supply shelves were bare, there was only a bunch of sissy little girly looking ones and... a humongous neon yellow one. needless to say... yeah, I bought the yellow one, it's a literal monstrosity, but im able to fit my bologna sandwich in the little gap it has, so thats nice.

My artistic skills really rekindled today... in AP Physics. Yeah, sketching the little American flag pole on the wall in a cheap composition book isnt exactly glamorous, but it is artistic... technically

----- Aug 22, 2023 -----

Hot damn is it... hot out, seriously. It's going to be so bad tommorow that we are literally going to do our XC practice in the morning... before school. I don't know about you but I gave up the whole "coming to school smelling like BO" thing around about 3rd grade, so

Obviously I do have deodorant, but thats for the armpits, im not some madman who applies that to his entire body, lets be real

I decided to drink 4 cans of Squirt once I got home... obviously not the best of ideas, but what's done is done and im not ashamed that I like sub-par soft drinks, and if you disagree... good, that means you actually have taste, something I lack

My girlfriend said the water in her apartment was off all day, apparently, at first I thought it was just something up with her building... of course, being Punchy and all, I was very, very wrong, the water in my apartment was off for a few hours, luckily the Brita was still full so it's not like it was a huge problem or anything, so

The blog reached 100 hits today. being realistic, it's likely that about half of those hits were from me seeing how the page looks after I write a single, meager sentence, despite knowing exactly how it will look... just plain black text on a plain white background... not exactly a difficult thing to mentally picture, obviously.

Bubby blocked me, tragic, i know /s. I was "wasting" his absolutely valueable time, because sitting in front of the computer doing nothing is worth more than actually talking to somebody. God, I sound like such a bitch right now, dont I

----- Aug 23, 2023 -----

6 AM practice went surprisingly well, did 4 miles, I wanted to do slightly more but my shins were hurting so bad I knew I had to stop. Luckily, we were allowed to use the locker room showers after practice, so I didnt smell like BO the whole day like I had originally assumed I would

My poor photography skills clearly in action

I got my first tardy of the school year today, was late for 2nd period waiting for my girlfriend to meet me in the library, homecoming dance tickets are 20 bucks but they email them to you nowadays so you have to give them your email where you buy them, so I literally just gave her 20 bucks so she can go buy them herself (she has an earlier lunch period than I do too, so she has a better shot at having a shorter ticket line).

I have 6th period lunch, and it sucks because it's probably the largest lunch period, everybody's all crammed together and it's hell trying to get out of the cafeteria once the passing bell goes off.

In an odd spat of good news, due to the excessive heat tommorow school will be dismissed early, so mother nature essentially just bought me a half-day

And yes, going a whole blog update without bolding any text is a challenge for me, im serious this is awful

----- Aug 24, 2023 -----

Got out of school at 11:55 today, at that point it was already 105 degrees out with the humidity, i felt hotter than a hajji in a sauna walking home (consider the fact that i wear jeans every single day, today not being an exception)

The teachers didn't really do anything today, it was kind of just a blow off day considering that the periods were so short

Tried to buy my homecoming dance ticket at lunch today but the booth was closed, im just gonna try again on Monday

I blacked out for about 4 hours shortly after I got home, I woke up very confused about the time given the fact that the sun barely moves in the sky anymore, I thought it was about 3:30 when in fact it had just eclipsed 5:00

It has gotten so hot that I can't even wear my regular outfit, I'm in a wife-beater I borrowed from my brother and a pair of my old running shorts, it feels so weird looking down and not seeing a splotch of black and a smaller splotch of dark blue.

I feel like a south american guerilla trudging around in this heat, but instead of being vigilant about contra gunfire I have to watch for... nothing, I suppose

----- Aug 25, 2023 -----

Nothing happened at school aside from the PACER test, I got my highest score yet, exactly 69

XC was... i dont even know how to describe it, it was great and terrible at the same time. We did hill sprints, but unlike last time it wasnt pouring rain, so it wasnt as bad as last time. One of my best friends on the team, let's call him Freshman D, absolutely kicks ass at sprinting, as opposed to me, I can barely sprint for shit (practically dying going up the hill), thank god sprinting isnt really a big thing in XC

Still couldn't buy my homecoming ticket, hopefully they open the booth next week

----- Aug 26, 2023 -----

Kankee river trip today, probably the longest i've ever been on a school bus (an hour 45 both ways). Ran 5 miles down there though, so that was pretty good.

saw a Suzuki Aerio SX, probably the 3rd i've ever seen in my life, and the only black one

After the run we hung out on the Kankakee river, swam around a good bit, wrestled eachother into the water, which bruised me up a good bit but im alright

I doubt many people will know the embarassment of being wrestled down by someone half their size, but I did today

My headphones broke in my backpack somewhere down the line, so I couldnt listen to anything on the bus ride back, and nobody was really talking, so it was just eerily silent. I pretty much just looked out the window and carspotted on the highway, only two cars really caught my eyes: a 1st gen Volkswagen Cabriolet, and a Volvo 840, both in red

----- Aug 28, 2023 -----

Stayed home from school, im sick as shit. Im coughing and sneezing every 3 seconds and I can barely move

Went out in the afternoon when I was feeling a bit better, my paycheck cleared today so I got Chipotle as a treat for myself

I have my first meet and picture day tommorow, too

----- Aug 29, 2023 -----

Sat on the floor during lunch today, why? I dont know, I just got the sudden urge, lots of other people do it too so it's not like I was an odd one out

I really hope my picture went well, my hair was kind of messed up but I tried to nig-rig it back to normalcy for it, the guy taking the picture had no hesitation, the literal second I was even in camerashot he immediately started counting to 3, so

Had my first XC meet, went really well, felt kind of weird wearing the uniform though (They better have a really compelling argument as to why they make us wear short ass shorts when we run), my Dad showed up, encouraging me... or yelling at me, really a mixture of the two. I don't even know what place I got, but I know for a fact that I wasnt far behind. Dad was real proud of me, probably the proudest he's ever been of me (I cant tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing)

----- Sep 1, 2023 -----

Yesterday and Wednesday were extremely boring, and there was really nothing worth mentioning, so let's just omit them, for god's sake

Today was actually really good, surprisingly enough, the school day flew by, and i was actually able to be... physical in physical education, i played soccer with this freshman Arab, his nose is huge but nose size does not correlate with soccer skill (what I mean by that is that he isn't very good), I essentially dummy-goalied for him half the time

Had a "pasta party" after XC practice today (we essentially just eat catered spaghetti in an empty classroom and watch McFarland USA on the projector), was pretty cool though, although a bit hectic considering that I had to haul ass to my dad's place immediately after it ended

I have a big XC meet tommorow, im kind of nervous, theres going to be 14 different teams there, so it's gonna be huge (for point of reference, the last meet only had 4)

----- Sep 2, 2023 -----

The XC meet went well, ran the open race at 10:30, it was blazing hot and the run was 3 miles. On the bright side, I set a PR (personal record) for my 3 mile time by a whopping 27 seconds, despite this race being a much more difficult course than the one ran on Tuesday

and yes, my dad was doing his little encourage/yell thing, as were some of my fellow teammates which had ran earlier, i'll tell you one thing, it's a real motivator when youre sprinting the last 50 meters.

My mom and my sister also attended the meet, both highly surprised or... i dont know, impressed by my skill (neither have ever seen me run much before, so their surprise or... i dont know, impression was understandable (if thats even a word))

I passed out from like 2:30PM to around 7:00PM (I got home from the meet at around 1:45PM), so i'm up late and not even tired. Keep in mind that I haven't stayed up past 10:00PM in about 2 months

----- Sep 3, 2023 -----

Stayed up till about 3:00AM screwing around on the computer, wow, what a surprise

I woke up at 6:00AM, but then did that weird thing where you slip in and out of sleep for like an hour, so I really got up at about 7:30AM

One thing I forgot to mention about yesterday is that I got a set of spikes (shoes specifically designed for XC races on rough terrain) yesterday after the meet, my dad got them for me, he insisted that I get a pair, they were 60 dollars, expensive for a shoe in my book (my book is poverty-stricken, clearly), but they are high quality so I cannot judge, I know they'll fare very well

keep in mind that spikes follow the philosophy of form over function, being purpose built to be lightweight and adaptable to terrain... why they make them in such butt-ugly colors is beyond my comprehension, though

----- Sep 4, 2023 -----

Like most people, I kind of just loafed around today, being Labor Day and all.

The most interesting thing I did today was my math homework (wow, Punchy, such riveting information)

It is absolutely beyond me how I was able to type so much stuff in my earlier posts, even though most of it is likely filler, it still amazes me

----- Sep 8, 2023 -----

All 4 of my viewers (or is it blogees, i dont know) may have noticed that there aren't any posts for Tuesday-Thursday, because nothing actually happened. Normally, I like to type about all of the mundane aspects of my average day, but for once in my life I just don't want to.

Today, however, was different. I had the Run-a-thon, essentially running the perimeter of the school (1 mile) constantly for an hour straight to raise money or something like that. My mileage didn't matter because nobody I went to donated per mile, but flat amounts instead, so I just did 6 and called it a day. Ran with my one friend, let's call him the Flying Fillipino, who only got donated flat amounts too, so that went down pretty well

The football team has their homecoming game today, I don't know if they won or not (I have no faith in them whatsoever), but from what I had seen spying outt he game from behind the chain link fence, they were up by 1... that and some guy flopped over like he was made out of Jell-o

Speaking of homecoming, the homecoming dance is tommorow, I bought my girlfriend (whom i'll refer to as Gigi) and I tickets to go (If I can get a girlfriend, anyone can, let's be realistic), I already have some dress clothes to slap on so i'm prepared

----- Sep 9, 2023 -----

Homecoming went phenomenally... sort of, I had to go buy a new shirt at Ross last-minute because my old dress shirt got a hole burned into it by the iron, so that sucked, but it only cost me 16 dollars so Inguess it's not terrible. I went to to pick Gigi up, met her grandma, saw her ma, gave her the corsage and all of that romantic goo-ga, you know.

I picked her up a solid hour and a half early so we could go out to eat beforehand. If I have any prior experience from the other homecomings i've been to, the food there sucks and costs way too much. Went to Barraco's, my sister works there so she was our waitress, so hey, Gig got to meet my girlfriend too. Being Barraco's and all, we got a pizza.

After Barraco's, we went straight to the dance... kind of, I got stuck in traffic and caught by the train so we were about 20 minutes late (we planned on being late anyway)... in what was probably the first time in high school history, I was able to get a decent parking spot

The dance was underwhelming, ironically enough, there was, in fact, no dancing... everyone kind of just stood around while mumble rap and pop music that nobody has listened to since 2010 ruptured the entire neighborhood's eardrums. We stayed for about an hour before leaving out of sheer boredom. We went from there to get some ice cream, and then we went back to her place and watched some Monty Python thing, it was a pretty good night in my book, I didn't get home until about 11 so I practically crashed the minute I got home.

----- Sep 10, 2023 -----

I actually had work today, which was a shocker... a good shocker, obviously (my last work day was August 6th due to issues with scheduling), im set to work on Sundays now, so I wont be in extreme poverty for much longer, soon i'll be in... normal poverty, i suppose

Work went well, it felt good to be back, returning amazon packages for clueless old people and black women who dont know the fundamentals of basic hygiene (not to be racist, but from my experience theyve returned the nastiest shit)

I drank a monster energy drink today during my lunch break, it tastes like if high school locker room grabassers manifasted themselves into a caffinated beverage (keep in mind that that isn't good), but it did give me a good boost of energy, so I can't complain

----- Sep 11, 2023 -----

Rained all day, mom was in a shitty mood so I didn't talk to her much. Of course it being 9/11 and all the school did it's annual rememberance day (or whatever we call it). You know how it is, patriotic songs playing over the PA during passing periods and all, it wasn't too bad. Mikal Cronin's debut album turned 12 today (not that anybody cares, but its a fun factoid)

XC wasn't bad considering how wet it was, the only real low point is that my backpack got soaked, so my physics notebook and my gym clothes got some water damage, but aside from that the run was fine, although pretty soggy

----- Sep 12, 2023 -----

I got rid of the hit counter, it's terribly inaccurate... that and I literally just realized that theres one built in to the neocities website for me to see, so it was useless anyways

----- Sep 13, 2023 -----